Angelus Oaks

Angelus Oaks: private hard money loanAngelus Oaks is a town situated in San Bernardino County, California, United States with a population of 290. The air pollution index in Angelus Oaks approximately 96.0. The weather temperatures, on the other hand, oscillate between a high point of 81.00° F in July with a low point of 21.00° F in January.

The total household expenditure of the town is above the national average. The crime rate in the town is above the national average, however. The least frequent crime in Angelus Oaks is larceny risk. The most frequent, on the other hand, is murder risk.

The median age of the population in Angelus Oaks is approximately 45. About 130 people of the population are married and 70 of them are single. There are around 160 male residents and 130 female residents living in the town of Angelus Oaks. Of the people employed, 49% are blue collar employees, while 51% are white collar employees. The total number of households of this town located in the San Bernardino County is estimated to be 110 with about 2 people per household on average.

Services We Provide in Angelus Oaks

Whether you are looking for a property to purchase or refinance, we can help you find a program suitable to your needs. There are several loan options to choose from, which include the following:

Home Loans

  • FHA home loans make it easier for a borrower to qualify for a loan and make a small down payment.
  • Conforming loans, the largest segment of loans in the country, must adhere to the guidelines and significant loan limits set by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
  • Conventional loans are safe loans that differ from other government regulated loans. They are designed to meet the needs of borrowers with good credit.
  • Manufactured home loans are excellent for individuals with an imperfect financial history who dream of home ownership.
  • High balance loans are loans that exceed conforming loan limits for borrowers living in expensive regions of the country.
  • Jumbo home loans make it possible for the borrower to buy an expensive home because they allow the borrower to get large loan balances.
  • Stated Income Loan requires the borrower to state her monthly income on a mortgage application.
  • Private hard money lenders secure these asset based loans by the strength of the purchased real estate more than the borrower’s financial credit.
  • Stand-alone second (2 lien) loans are additional loans that a borrower takes out against his house despite already having a first mortgage. He usually takes this loan out to access cash.

Angelus Oaks: private hard money loan

Other Loans

  • In all, multifamily and apartment loans are financing options used to purchase or renovate a multifamily dwelling unit or an apartment building, respectively.
  • Commercial loans are used to finance the growth of their companies consisting of purchasing properties or constructing properties. Simply put, these loans are used to help payoff expensive necessities to start and operate a new business.
  • Mixed use properties consist of multiple units zoned for different purposes such as commercial, residential, industrial, institutional, and even cultural. Mixed use property loans are financing options to help finance mixed use buildings between business owners and financial institutions.

Our company also offers our clients services such as downpayment assistance program, adjusted-rate mortgage, and refinancing. To receive more information, contact us today at (818) 322-5626.

Tagged: Tags San Bernardino County