
Lenwood is a town in the San Bernardino County, California with a population of 32,480. Lenwood has an aggregate area of 2.2 square miles. Additionally, the air pollution index in Lenwood approximately 91.0. The weather temperatures, on the other hand, oscillate between a high point of 101.00° F in July with a low point of … Continue reading "Lenwood"


Landers is a community in San Bernardino County, Southern California, United States with a population of 2,590.The air pollution index in Landers approximately 89.0. The weather temperatures, on the other hand, oscillate between a high point of 81.00° F in July with a low point of 21.00° F in January.

Lake Arrowhead

Lake Arrowhead is town located in the San Bernardino County, California with a population of 8,430. Lake Arrowhead has an aggregate area of 19.0 square miles. About 17.7 square miles of it is land, and 1.2 square miles of it is water. The air pollution index in Lake Arrowhead approximately 96.0. The weather temperatures, on … Continue reading "Lake Arrowhead"

Joshua Tree

Joshua Tree is a town in San Bernardino County, California, United States with a population of 9,870. Joshua Tree has an aggregate area of 37.04 square miles. The air pollution index in Joshua Tree approximately 90.0. The weather temperatures, on the other hand, oscillate between a high point of 100.00° F in July with a … Continue reading "Joshua Tree"

Homestead Valley

Homestead Valley, based in San Bernardino County, California with a population of 26,190. Homestead has an aggregate area of 33.9 square miles. The air pollution index in Homestead Valley approximately 90.0. The weather temperatures, on the other hand, oscillate between a high point of 100.00° F in July with a low point of 37.00° F … Continue reading "Homestead Valley"


Hinkley is a community in the Mojave Desert, San Bernardino County, California, United states with a population of 1,720. The air pollution index in Hinkley approximately 90.0. The weather temperatures, on the other hand, oscillate between a high point of 101.00° F in July with a low point of 35.00° F in January.


Highland is a city in San Bernardino County, California, United States with a population of 55,620. Highland has an aggregate area of 18.9 square miles. About 0.1 square miles of it is water. The air pollution index in Highland approximately 97.0. The weather temperatures, on the other hand, oscillate between a high point of 96.00° … Continue reading "Highland"


Hesperia is a city in San Bernardino County, California, United States with a population of 101,410. Hesperia has an aggregate area of 73.2 square miles. About 0.1 square miles of it is water. The air pollution index in Hesperia approximately 97.0. The weather temperatures, on the other hand, oscillate between a high point of 99.00° … Continue reading "Hesperia"