
Nuevo is located in Riverside County, California, United States with a population of 10,110. Nuevo has an aggregate area of 6.8 square miles. The air pollution index in Nuevo approximately 105.0. The weather temperatures, on the other hand, oscillate between a high point of 100.00° F in July with a low point of 35.00° F … Continue reading "Nuevo"

North Shore

North Shore is located in southeastern Riverside County, United States with a population of 13,170. North Shore has an aggregate area of 11.2 square miles.The air pollution index in North Shore approximately 97.0. The weather temperatures, on the other hand, oscillate between a high point of 109.00° F in July with a low point of … Continue reading "North Shore"


Norco is a city based in Riverside County, California, United States with a population of 28,350. Norco has an aggregate area of 14.3 square miles. The air pollution index in Norco approximately 107.0. The weather temperatures, on the other hand, oscillate between a high point of 92.00° F in July with a low point of … Continue reading "Norco"


Murrieta is a city located in southwestern Riverside County, California, United States with a population of 124,240. Murrieta has an aggregate area of 33.6 square miles. The air pollution index in Murrieta approximately 105.0. The weather temperatures, on the other hand, oscillate between a high point of 93.00° F in July with a low point of … Continue reading "Murrieta"

Mountain Center

Mountain Center, based in the San Jacinto Mountains, within western central Riverside County, California, United States with a population of 1,650. The air pollution index in Mountain Center approximately 96.0. The weather temperatures, on the other hand, oscillate between a high point of 108.00° F in July with a low point of 45.00° F in … Continue reading "Mountain Center"

Moreno Valley

Moreno Valley is a city located in Riverside County, California, United States with a population of 202,459. Moreno Valley has an aggregate area of 51.5 square miles.The air pollution index in Moreno Valley approximately 106.0. The weather temperatures, on the other hand, oscillate between a high point of 94.00° F in July with a low … Continue reading "Moreno Valley"

Mesa Verde

Mesa Verde is a town in Riverside County, California, United States with a population of 17,150. Mesa Verde has an aggregate area of 4.3 square miles.The air pollution index in Mesa Verde approximately 106.0. The weather temperatures, on the other hand, oscillate between a high point of 109.00° F in July with a low point … Continue reading "Mesa Verde"


Menifee, California is a city located in Southwestern Riverside County, California, United States with a population of 82,618. Menifee has an aggregate area of 46.6 square miles.The air pollution index in Menifee approximately 106.0. The weather temperatures, on the other hand, oscillate between a high point of 99.00° F in July with a low point … Continue reading "Menifee"